Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Nose Job Guide: Before & After Your Rhinoplasty Surgery

Considering a permanent way to transform the size, shape, or appearance of your nose? You're not alone. In fact, the 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons lists the procedure as the third most popular cosmetic surgery, with 218,924 recipients. If you're considering joining them, here's everything you need to know about rhinoplasty — initial consultation to the post-op.

Consultation Prior Surgery

Commonly referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a procedure that "sculpts the shape of the nose externally for cosmetics, and internally for breathing," says Dr. Sidle, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Chicago. The goal, he says, is to give a "natural look to the nose, as if it was never touched, that balances the patient's face perfectly."

The first step in the rhinoplasty process for prospective patients begins in the office of a board-certified plastic surgeon for a thorough consultation. Following paperwork and initial photographs, the surgeon chats with the patient about any cosmetic concerns and "studies the inside of their nose for breathing issues," says Sidle. "I then morph the patient's photos on the iPad directly to show them the intended goals of the surgery."

Patients may also be shown other patients' before-and-after photos for noses that are similar to their own size and shape. "If they are a good candidate, I let them know. If they aren't, I also let them know," says Sidle. "It's the most honest 30 minutes of their life."

Male Rhinoplasty

Male rhinoplasty is becoming highly publicized by many cosmetic clinics as an excellent option to improve men’s looks and masculinity. Although rhinoplasty offers many long-lasting benefits, it is still important for the surgeon to remind his patients of the critical considerations that he must take note of even before undergoing the procedure, like the risks and complications, the recovery period, and the downtime the surgery would entail.

The ideal candidate for the nose job

  • Dorsal hump: A bump at the bridge of the nose
  • Nasal width: A nose that is too wide or too narrow
  • Asymmetry: A nose that is twisted or deviated
  • Prominent nasal tip: A nasal tip that is round, bulbous, fatty, or disproportionate to the rest of the face
  • Drooping nasal tip: The angle between the upper lip and lower nose that is less than 90 degrees
  • Post-traumatic deformities: Shape aberrations after nasal injury
  • Nasal airway problems: Internal valve collapse and septal deviation

Key factors that also help determine the ideal candidate include nasal maturity (if the nose is mature enough — usually over the age of 15), emotional maturity (patients thoroughly understand implications, risks, and purpose of the surgery), having realistic expectations (understanding both goals and limitations of the procedure), and an absence of body dysmorphia.

The last on that last, Sidle explains, is something lots of patients have issues coping with. "We all to some extent, but some cross the normal spectrum," says Sidle. "It's our duty as surgeons to counsel them and avoid letting patients guide us into wrong ethical decisions."

Preparation for rhinoplasty

Like any surgical procedure, preparation is helpful for both a smooth surgery and recovery. To help reduce things like swelling, bleeding, and bruising (especially in patients who travel via plane for the procedure), Sidle recommends a "strict regimen of [applying] arnica [a homeopathic herb that can help decrease bruising and pain] preoperatively, as well as avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and smoking one month prior to surgery."

Rhinoplasty surgery procedure

Nose job surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis and can be done in one of two ways: open or closed. Both approaches involve incisions being made within the internal nostril region, but the open rhinoplasty approach adds an external incision (a few millimeters) on the undersurface of the columella (i.e. the tissue that divides the nostrils).

That external cut leaves a permanent scar, says Sidle. The skin of the nose is then "undraped" so that the inner structures of the nose become visible. "This allows you to do massive changes to the nose and take things apart more readily and reconstruct the nose," says Dugar. "This is necessary for botched or revision noses, or noses with very difficult anatomy."

With closed rhinoplasty, "all of the incisions are made inside the nose, which means no external cuts and no risk of scarring," Sidle says. It is through these internal incisions that the nose is then shaped and sculpted for subtle changes. "We don't alter the face, yet we soften and improve the overall balance," he says of the procedure.

Ultimately, the plastic surgeon will select the most appropriate rhinoplasty incisions based on the specific structural modifications required for the patient.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Is Rhinoplasty Man's Best friend?

Rhinoplasty has always been the most popular surgical procedure among men making up almost a quarter of all elective surgical procedures for males. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons males accounted for 217,124 of the total rhinoplasty procedures performed in 2017.

Since it’s proven to be such a common surgery for male patients, a lot of men don’t realize the importance of finding a facial plastic surgeon that has a great deal of expertise working with a male aesthetic. Chicago rhinoplasty expert Dr.Sidle has helped countless male patients improve the look and function of their nose.

Dr. Sidle has been recognized as a Top Doctor for rhinoplasty by US News and World Report as is one of the leading experts in the field of primary, revision, and ethnic rhinoplasty. Dr. Sidle is double board-certified in both facial plastic surgery and septorhinoplasty which gives him a unique insight into both the aesthetics and function of the nose.

What is Rhinoplasty?

A Chicago's male rhinoplasty or “nose job” is a surgical procedure to address the aesthetics or function of the nose. People commonly pursue a nose job to change the way that their nose looks, for example, to reduce a nasal hump, or to correct nostril asymmetry. Sometimes patients want to preserve the aesthetics of their nose but have trouble breathing which can be addressed as well. Sometimes, patients report having trouble with their nasal function but also want to address the appearance of their nose.

These patients benefit from a surgery called a septorhinoplasty that can be performed to correct breathing problems and address cosmetic concerns at the same time. The nose is a very prominent facial feature and should be in proportion with other features like the eyes, cheeks, and chin. No matter what kind of rhinoplasty procedure patients are looking for, it’s important to find a surgeon who has expertise providing a natural result.

What will happen during a septorhinoplasty procedure?

During septorhinoplasty, incisions are placed just inside the nostril on its lower edge and sometimes across the skin between the nostrils. The soft tissues of the nose are then carefully separated from the underlying cartilages and bone. Bone and cartilage are appropriately reoriented to give a balanced harmonious appearance to the nose and face while preserving or improving nasal breathing.

What's the Difference Between Male and Female Rhinoplasty?

Although the general surgical techniques are similar for male and female rhinoplasty patients, the aesthetic goals are very different. Men usually desire a stronger, more prominent bridge than women. They also have wider noses and thicker skin, which should be taken into consideration. Male noses typically have a sharply defined and more angular tip and greater overall nasal projection. Dr. Sidle takes all of these factors into account while creating a customized treatment plan for each of his male patients. Although male and female aesthetics are different, every surgery should be completely tailored to each individual patient, regardless of their gender. Dr. Sidle takes great care to consider each male’s innate anatomy in order to provide his patients with the most natural result possible.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Which things you should consider before Rhinoplasty in Chicago?

Rhinoplasty, is referred to as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping" by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose.

What changes Rhinoplasty can make?

  • Nose size in relation to facial balance
  • Nose width at the bridge or in the size and position of the nostrils
  • Nose profile with visible humps or depressions on the bridge
  • Nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked
  • Nostrils that are large, wide or upturned
  • Nasal asymmetry

Who is the right person for Rhinoplasty?

You may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if:
  • Your facial growth is complete
  • You are physically healthy
  • You don't smoke
  • You have a positive outlook and realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your appearance

What will happen after surgery?

The results of rhinoplasty surgery will be long-lasting. While initial swelling subsides within a few weeks, it may take up to a year for your new nasal contour to fully refine. During this time you may notice gradual changes in the appearance of your nose as it refines to a more permanent outcome.
If you want to have nose job surgery in Chicago the you must consult a Dr. Sidle.

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