A large forehead or high hairline can cause self-esteem issues and divert people’s attention away from a person’s best features. As a result, many people end up wearing hats or resort to hairstyles specifically aimed at covering up their hairlines or foreheads. Some women go as far as to never even consider hairstyles like a ponytail for this reason. There are a lot of reasons for a high hairline like genetics, past surgeries, or even hair loss. Many people put up with this problem simply because they are unaware that there is a procedure that can help both men and women reduce the size of their forehead which in turn, lowers their hairline. This procedure is known as a hairline advancement procedure and also as a forehead reduction procedure. When the average hairline begins at approximately 5 to 6.5 centimeters above the brows, anything higher than this gives a larger forehead (and higher hairline) look, causing a face to seem like it is disproportionate. Let’s chat about some facts about the procedure that can help with this problem below!
Read more on 8 Facts About Hairline Lowering That Will Blow Your Mind
Dr. Douglas Sidle, Facial plastic surgeon
Galter Pavilion, 675 N St Clair St Ste 15-200